Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Accomplishments of Our Government

      Most Americans along with many conservatives and libertarians often blame government for inability to solve any problems, and they also call it incompetent and consider that the government has achieved nothing. One of the critics, Charles Murray puts it as: “The reality of daily life is that, by and large, the things the government does tend to be ugly, rude, slovenly – and not to work.” However, these are all merely myths and stereotypes, nothing more.
      This article talks about some of the achievements made by the government programs. Some of the programs consist of government influence in the Business sector, Public Health Programs, Social Security and Medicare, workplace safety, Military, etc.
  • Government influence in the Business Sector
      Until recently, we have forgotten how much we depend on our government for our economic stability. We have seen many great fiscal and monetary policies which have enabled us protection from any major depression, e.g. The Great Depression. Before these policies, depressions were a routine occurrence in our nation. However, government has relatively solved that problem which helps eliminate human despair and pain. People can find jobs and live their lives more comfortably. Overall, our standard of living has improved and that is a big achievement for the federal government.
  • Public Health Programs 
      Many programs, such as, National Institute of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and state and local Public Health departments have insured good health for American. The vaccination programs have reduce up to 95% risks of potentially debilitating diseases like hepatitis B, measles, mumps, tetanus, and rubella. Federal government provides funds for these sorts of activities which help the country and its people.
  • Social Security and Medicare
      Social Security allows our elderly to live in peace in their retirement years without living in poverty and illness. This program has cut down half the percentage of people who were in poverty. In 1966, there were 29% elderly living in poverty, but thanks to Social Security there are only 10% elderly in poverty today. Medicare also allows elderly people to have affordable insurance and almost all of them are insured. These two programs have done more than anything to relieve pain and despair of elderly people.

      American government has indeed accomplished a lot. People like to talk against good people. It’s the same with government. People call it incompetent, but if provided with proper evidence they might change their mind. In the end, our government has done a lot for us and we should be thankful for it.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Illegal Immigration

    I completely agree with James blog post on immigration. I have always been against the government preventing illegal immigration both from Canada and Mexico. I understand that it’s wrong to enter someone else’s country without permission. I also know it’s not fair for the U.S. citizens. But let’s think about it. How long has the government tried to prevent illegal immigration and how much money they already spent on it and how successful are they in this matter? According to some common statistics “Border Patrol deployments have already tripled over the past 15 years, not counting 1,000 more officers being recruited and trained in the current year.” U.S. government has already spent billions of dollars to secure our borders. But nothing came out of it. Illegal immigration is still rolling.
    Secondly, people raise an issue of jobs and opportunities that are reducing each day because of “these Mexicans.” Well, they are doing the jobs that Americans don’t even want to look at. So why do they keep blaming them? As we have seen over past decade or so, these immigrants have helped us greatly and they are still doing the same thing.
    I don’t see this as an issue and I believe America shouldn’t either.